Westbury School

OfSTED Report

March 2004

The full OfSTED report can be viewed here: REPORT



Westbury is a good school with very good features. Teaching is effective an denables pupils to make good progress in their learning. Most pupils make very good improvements in their attitudes and behaviour. The overall quality of leadership and management of the school is good. The school provides good value for money.

The school's main strengths and weaknesses are:

  • The headmaster provides a sense of purpose to the school's work and ensures that a very good emphisis is placed on givng the pupils the chance to acheive well.
  • Pupils acheivements in mathematics, science and physical education are very good. They also acheive good GCSE passes in art design and technology.
  • In a few lessons work set for pupils does not extend the more able pupils nor support those with learning difficulties.
  • Senior staff provide very effective support which enables the school day to run smooothly, and pupils to be able to succeed with their learning in the classroom.
  • The school worls very effectively with parents and this supports pupils' learning well.
  • High quality support from staff enables pupils to become more confident; their overall personal development is very good.
  • Governors are very supportive but have not ensured that the school's policies are up to date and the all statutory requirements are met.

Improvement since the previous report has been very good. Standards of pupils' acheivements are now higher and there is much greater emphisis on pupils' learning in lessons. Their attitudes and behaviour have improved considerably and the leadership and governence of the school now has a far more positive influence on how effective the quality of education is in the school.

Standards achieved

Pupils' achievements are good. Pupils' achievements compare very favourably with those of pupils in similar schools, although it is difficult to make direct comparisons because of the small numbers of pupils involved. In mathematics, science and physical education achievements are very good. They are good in English, religious education and art. Achievements in ICT are satisfactory and a good start has been made to develop this subject further. Personal, health an dsocial education and sitizenship have reacently been given greater prominence on the school timetable and pupils are now making good progress in these areas.

Pupils' personal development including their spiritual, moral and social and cultural development is good. Their attitiudes and their behaviour have improved significantly and are now very good. Therefore attendance has also improved but, because of the poor attendance of a very small number of pupils, overall attendance is satisfactory.


The quality of education is good and as a result pupils, often for the first time in their lives, are able to acheive. The overall quality of teaching and learnig is good. Teachers have worked very hard to develop their skills and knowledge to offer a wide range of subjects. They have high expectiations for pupils to acheive and work hard in lessons. On a few occasions, though, work in individual lessons is insufficient to challenge the more able pupils or provide the additional support that pupils with literacy difficulties require. In addition, particularly in subjects where the teacher is not a subject specialist, there is an over-relience on using worksheets and teachers could make lessons more interesting by using a wider range of teaching methods.

The curriculum is good; a very significnat acheivement in such a small school. The opportunities for pupils to experience activities outside the normal teaching day are very good. These include very positive residential experiances as well as organised activites during breaks and lunchtimes. The quality of care and support for pupils are very good and contribute greatly to the positive atmosphere in the school. The links with parents and other schools are very good. Links with the local community are very good but limited by local community differences.


Leadership and management at the school are good. The headteachers vision and ambition of the school is a key factor in how the school has improved. Together with the deputy he provides an important presence in maintaining and establishing the good order of each teaching day. Subject leaders have worked hard to establish plans for what will be taught in their subjects but rarely have the chance to monitor the teaching of their colleagues. Governance of the school is good. The governors are very supportive and work hard to ensure that it provides best value. However, they need to formalise thier involvelment by approving school policies and assuring that all of their statutory responsibilities are met.


Parents are very pleased with the work of the school. They feel the school has worked very hard to support their children and enable them to acheive.

Pupils are equally positive about the school. Many comment that there is nothing hey would like to see changed. They like a range of subjects, especially the practical ones.


To improve the quality of education further the school should:

  • Give subject leaders time to check and support teaching and pupils' learning in their subjects when taught by their colleagues.
  • Develop a wider range of teaching methods that will;
    • Always seek to challenge the more able pupils and meet the needs of those with literacy difficulties.
    • Reduce the use of worksheets
  • Governers should ensure that they regularly review, approve and sign all school policies.
  • In order to meet statutory requirements;
  • Governors should ensure that the school brochure and their annual report to parents contain all leagally required information.

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